Ésta es una entrada sencillita para compartir las canciones que estoy utilizando con los peques de 3 añitos.
A parte de las que incluí en esta entrada, hay otras canciones que estamos cantando cada semana.
Good afternoon!
This is a short post just to share the songs I'm using with the 3-year-old kids.
You have other easy songs here that you might find useful for this age.
5 Little Monkeys
If You're Happy
Hickory Dickory Dock
The finger song
Respecto a esta última, tengo que deciros que yo la canto mucho más despacito y no les pongo el vídeo.
Esconden las manitas y van sacando primero el pulgar (Daddy finger) y cuando preguntan Where are you? sacan el pulgar de la otra mano y los cruzan como si se saludaran.
Así van haciendo con todos los deditos, hasta que, al final, decimos "All the fingers, all the fingers, where are you?" y contestamos "Here we are! Here we are! How do you do?" Y aplaudimos.
This last song it's a video I found to show you the tune but it's not the way I sing it with the children.
We start with the hands out of sight, at the back.
We show only the thumb of the right hand and we start singing "Daddy finger, daddy finger where are you?" and then we show the thumb of the left hand and answer "Here I am! Here I am! How do you do?" and we cross both thumbs together as a greeting.
At the end of the song we sing "All the fingers, all the fingers, where are you?".
We answer "Here we are! Here we are! How do you do?" and we clap.